Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is a psychiatric disorder that affects children who have been removed from their homes and placed in foster care. RAD is associated with mental health and cognitive difficulties. Research suggests that upwards of 40% of maltreated foster children develop RAD symptoms, which places them at higher risk for going missing and being trafficked. Once missing, there is a higher risk of them being perpetuated due to their widely misunderstood vulnerabilities. Our team is staffed with subject matter experts, who are trauma informed, to specifically serve this vulnerable and grossly underserved population.
The RAD Movement exist to serve ALL missing and exploited individuals and their families regardless of circumstance
Coordinated Search and Rescue | Aftercare Assistance | Advocacy | Special Education Advocacy and Training
The RAD Movement, a 501c3 non profit organization, was founded to provide families with support from the onset of their loved ones disappearance to their recovery regardless of their circumstance.
EIN: 87-1107846